BUILDING A FUTURE PLANET_Water: Curse or Blessing!?

A series of six Lab Talks in collaboration with Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, the Netherlands Embassy in Berlin, Winy Maas, MVRDV and Henk Ovink, former Special Envoy to the UN and Water Ambassador of the Netherlands

An international, interdisciplinary programme to establish new planning processes and structures regarding water, water use and distribution in relation to the built environment. In this series of six Lab Talks on topics related to building future resilience, Aedes aims to identify and discuss sustainable, water-related architectural and urban development projects that also take into account the (re)establishment of social and economic balance with greater socio-economic coherence through conscious water management. Invited experts will discuss the role of water in climate change mitigation: from reducing CO2 emissions and ecological footprint, to adaptation and resilience in the context of cities and states, to water as a common good from source to sea.

It is necessary to mitigate the climate crisis and ensure a fairer distribution of resources for all through a global rethinking of politics and spatial planning. This includes breaking away from one-sided, isolated and sectoral strategies towards integrative, comprehensive, circular and sustainable approaches. Water as an element, resource and infrastructure has a far-reaching impact on the living, natural and built environment that should not be underestimated.

In BUILDING A FUTURE PLANET, architects and planners engage in an innovative exchange of knowledge with experts from the fields of environmental research, science and politics, in order to derive consequences for their work processes, planning, implementation and building projects. The goals are the creation of new networks, the innovative linking and visualisation of existing networks, communication in all areas of society as well as sensitisation and further training of the planning disciplines on ecological building with regard to water.


23 November 2023  | #1 We Want Water
The kick-off Lab Talk will look at the whole water cycle and building future resilience. It aims to identify and explore sustainable, water-related architectural and urban development projects with experts discussing the role of water in climate change mitigation. Within this holistic approach, water will be considered as a critical new value, an opportunity for transformation and both a crucial resource and an existential threat.

Spring 2024 | #2 Lab Talk on urban climate impacts
Exploring the connection between water, building and climate protection in cities in the wake of sea level rise and heavy rain falls/flooding | prerequisites and implementation for sponge cities | city-wide and neighbourhood-based measures | water and grey water management

Summer 2024 | #3 Lab Talk on materials, energy and technology
Building with new or newly interpreted materials and techniques that promote resilience in relation to water | heat recovery from grey water | role of water and building in transformation and circular economy 

Autumn 2024 | #4 Lab Talk on the design process
How can the topic of water be practically integrated into planning processes? Possibly also via which certifications? Examples from Asia will serve as a discussion basis. 

Spring 2025 | #5 Lab Talk on actors and the human scale
Achieving awareness and acceptance for the topic of water | living together and sharing resources | resource- and energy-efficient living | disaster prevention and self-sufficiency | (floating) housing | ad-hoc flood/drought relief | clean water, water for urban farming

Summer 2025 | #6 Lab Talk on spaces and species
The role of water and building in biodiversity and cohabitation | creating conditions, e.g. through optimised green roofs and further development of the 'Stockholm Model' for the vitalisation of urban trees through substrates made of gravel/compost/plant charcoal | how can architecture/planning think about the outdoor space in terms of irrigation and ecological aspects? 

Generously supported by:
Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Osnabrück
The Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, The Hague
The OBEL Award, Copenhagen
Transsolar, Stuttgart

23 November 2023 | #1 We Want Water
The kick-off Lab Talk will look at the whole water cycle and building future resilience.


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